Construction biochar

Carbon storage
Carbon Centric’s biochar, a carbon-rich material for soil improvement and CO2 storage.
Carbon Centric’s biochar is a carbon-rich material for soil improvement and CO2 storage. Carbon Centric’s biochar is a carbon-rich material that improves soil quality and construction material performance while allowing CO2 storage. Made from the pyrolysis technology of the SOLER Group, biochar is made of local, sustainable resources.
In agriculture, biochar improves water and nutrient retention. When it is combined with an organic amendment or compost, it improves soil fertility and plant productivity. Biochar can also be used within various construction materials to modify thermodynamic properties, reduce its density, change the material colour, or act like a carbon sink.
Biochar is also an excellent carbon sink. Indeed, the equivalent of 2.9 tons of CO2 is captured for each ton of used biochar. This carbon storage value can be converted into carbon retention certificates that can be sold afterwards. Within Carbon Centric, we return these certificates to biochar users.
We are experts in the industrial production of high-quality biochar. With our industrial partners, we can guarantee a stable and constant product that meets your needs. Our biochar is made from local organic timber to guarantee a sustainable and open supply chain. We obtained the certification “utilisation en agriculture Biologique” (UAB) and the certificate “European Biochar Certificate” (EBC). If you have any questions regarding biochar or if you are currently developing a product based on biochar, please contact us, and we will suit your needs.